Saturday, 20 June 2009

Take action in solidarity with Yarl's Wood hunger strikers

Detainees at Yarl's Wood detention centre are on hunger strike to demand:

1) Relocate a 30 year old woman with epilepsy. She is not receiving medical attention and suffers from convulsions constantly. She is lying on the floor most of the time. The other inmates don’t help her as they do not want to make a fatal mistake.

2) Resolve the situation of a 5 months pregnant woman, who was arrested two months ago and who is extremely sick. She stays in bed all day and does not receive medical attention.

3) Resolve the situation of almost 20 children (between 5 months and 2 years old). They are with their mothers and able to play with other kids, but they are showing clear signs of tension, pressure, distress and anxiety. Some women have been detained for more than two months and the children can’t understand the situation.

4) Talk to the Immigration Officer, Sarah (no surname supplied), who must listen these requests. (Sarah’s name was suggested by the Serco’s manager).

5) Adequate access to health care, quality food and real privacy.

6) Restore the communications between Juliette Umoru and her husband Steve, who is not allowed to talk to her.

Show your solidarity with the strikers. Take 20 minutes to do the following:

* Contact SERCO (who run Yarl’s Wood) and demand that the strikers’ demands are met - (0)1344 386300 -

* Contact Yarl’s Wood and demand that the strikers demands are met: The duty manager 01234 821517; The switchboard 01234 821000; Health'care' 01234 821147

* Contact Alaister Burt MP for Yarls Wood -

* Forward this news to any email lists you are on or press contacts you have

* If you can donate towards credit for detainees’ mobiles or travel costs for solidarity visits, email and a few of us will bring it up when we visit on Sunday

Read more here and a BBC Blog here.

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