Monday, 15 June 2009

Emergency Rally called for 4.30pm

Speakers to be confirmed.

All media welcome

SOAS steps


Many staff will also be there.


  1. We teach students migration, refugee studies, human rights, development. We teach how subalterns resist authority. Here. At SOAS. SOAS academics who teach those things to their students have a responsibility in supporting the cleaners in their fight.

    We do interviews with migrant workers, we get funds to do research on them. Are we happy to make them the object of our inquiry, but unwilling to recognise their subjectivity? SOAS academics have a responsibility in joining the protests.

    Demet Dinler
    Teaching Fellow, SOAS

  2. This e mail came just now: Let us show them that people who are at SOAS and from SOAS are PROTESTING at 4.30.

    Dear colleagues

    Now that allegations have emerged concerning the visit by the UK
    Border Agency last Friday (12 June), I feel it’s very important to
    clarify a number of points in the light of the inaccurate information
    that is currently being circulated.

    As many of you are aware, such raids are being carried out across the
    country by the UK Border Agency every week. Contrary to some of the
    erroneous allegations being made, Friday’s visit was not arranged or
    influenced by any member of staff at SOAS.

    Based on current Government policy regarding migrant workers, we are
    legally obliged to cooperate fully with Government agencies and have
    no influence over their actions.

    Friday’s visit was distressing for everyone and I would like to
    reiterate my thanks to staff for their support and understanding at
    this time.

    The current protest on our premises will no doubt have an impact on
    the day-to-day running of the School and we will do all we can to
    minimise disruption. The protestors include people who have no links
    to SOAS.

    I have contacted our cleaning contractors ISS to request a full report
    about their employees and the implications of Friday’s event.

    Professor Paul Webley
    Director and Principal

  3. This email is just disgraceful. Paul you coward! How about showing some backbone and condemning this raid and all that it stands for. What do you have to lose?? What are you afraid of? Stop covering your own back and show the courage and leadership that SOAS students and staff expect from their management!
